The consumer is protected by the texts contained in the consumer protection laws, which are represented in Egyptian Law No. 67 of 2006 and amended by Law No. 181 of 2018, in which it was emphasized the need for suppliers and advertisers to ensure the conformity of all products and services offered in the process of offering for consumption, as well as expanding the scope of application of consumer protection and suppression measures. Fraud in accordance with Law No. 281 of 1994 regarding the suppression of fraud and fraud on all products and services offered in the market, in addition to the inclusion of protection to prevent dangers arising from placing products that pose a danger in the market.
However, Consumer Protection Law No. 181 of 2018 was not sufficient on its own to protect the consumer, which necessitated the text in several laws to protect him in view of the position occupied by the consumer in the economic cycle, considering the person who receives everything he produces and what is distributed by suppliers and advertisers in the markets, and he bears the burden Consumption and damage from various products, whether goods or services. This justifies the existence of laws in addition to consumer protection laws that include consumer protection, including intellectual property laws.
By examining the texts of intellectual property laws, we find within them the text on consumer protection, although the aim is to protect intellectual property rights holders, often represented by producers who offer their various intellectual rights for the purpose of being in the market, especially industrial property rights such as trademarks, patents, and industrial designs and models.